Wednesday, October 30, 2019

We used all of our senses to explore our pumpkin!

Our Learning:
-Today we drew a cross-section of a pumpkin and labeled six important parts (seeds, stem, skin, flesh, pulp and leaf). Please have your child tell you all about this. You can use the link below as a reminder.
-We cut open our biggest pumpkin and took turns cleaning out the seeds and pulp. We combined our seeds with Miss Rinaldi's pumpkin seeds and placed them on a giant hundreds chart in croups of ten. We discovered that our pumpkins had a total of 1158 seeds. Miss Lana roasted the seeds for us and we got to sample sweet and salty seeds at the end of the day.
-We listened to our sight word song and practiced printing some of our sight words. See if you child is able to read, spell and print the following words: an, at, be, we, to, the, is, it, in, are, and, you, see, I, a, can.
-We added one dab of white paint to orange paint to create a new tint. Then we added another dab, and another dab, and another dab! At the end, we had five different samples of the colour orange on our page.

-Tomorrow is Orange and Black Day. Children are encouraged to wear these colours to school, but no costumes please.
-There is no school for students on Friday, November 1st as it is a PD Day.

Have a great evening!

Monday, October 28, 2019

This is Pumpkin Week in Grade One!

Highlights of Our Learning
-This week we are learning about pumpkins. Please have your child tell you the six stages of the life cycle of a pumpkin. Also please have them tell you some interesting facts that they learned about pumpkins through the books we read together today. Maybe your child can even sing you the song that we learned today. Here is the link
-During our math time we sorted our classroom pumpkins and gourds and then we had math centres.
-Children had music class and gym in the afternoon.

-Please be sure to have your Learning Commons book returned for tomorrow.
-There is no school for students on Friday, November 1st as it is a PD Day.
-Thursday, October 31st is ORANGE AND BLACK DAY and students are encouraged to wear these colours. We will not be wearing costumes at school on this day.
-School pictures were sent home in folders today.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tomorrow is "Take Me Outside Day"!

Highlights of Our Learning:
-Please have your child share their latest printing family with you. The letters that we worked on today are the "Sliders".

v - slide down, climb up

w - slide down, climb up, slide down, climb up

x - slide down to the right, lift, slide down to the left

z - across to the right, slide down left, across to the right

-Home Reading is going home today. Please read the letter that is enclosed in your child's bag. Please encourage your child to read their book as independently as possible and complete your child's logbook. When you are finished with the book (one or more nights), please return it to the school, in the plastic bag and be sure to enclose their logbook.
-Tomorrow is "Take Me Outside Day". Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather, as we will be doing some of our learning outside.

Have a great evening!

Monday, October 21, 2019

We saw our Buddies today.

Highlights of Our Learning:
-We practiced printing some new letters today...the "Curvers". Please have your child demonstrate how they can properly form the following letters:

m - dive down, swim up and over, and up and
        over, down
n - dive down, swim up, over, and down 
u – straight line down, curve up, down
h – dive down, swim half way up, over, and down
b – dive down, swim half way up, over and around
r – dive down, swim up, and over
-We started new math centres. Please ask your child which activity they worked on today.
-We met with our Buddies in the PM and they helped us get logged onto computers and set up to use the reading program Raz Kids at school. Please check your child's folder to see how you can log in at home and use the program on your own time.

-Wednesday, October 23rd is "Take Me Outside Day' and we will be having some of our learning outside that day. Please have your child dressed for the weather.
-There is a Halloween Family Dance at school this Thursday. Tickets were sent home today for those families that have ordered so far. Costumes are encouraged for the dance, but no masks please.
-Thursday, October 31st is Black and Orange Day at Bridlewood School. Children are invited to wear these colours that day, but will not be dressing in costumes.
-Friday, November 1st is a PD Day and there is no school for students.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Today was a beautiful fall day!

Highlights of Our Learning
-We will be having a school-wide lock down practice tomorrow, so today we reviewed possible reasons for a lock down and expected behaviours. We tried sitting in our lock down location for about five minutes, and the students were very responsible and did a great job.
-We practiced correct formation for a group of letters known as the "downers". These letters are lowercase l, t, f, i and k and these letters are formed by making top-down strokes. See if your child can recall the chant that accompanies each letter to ensure they are printing accurately. Also, have them show you some of their best printing at home.
-We have been working on skip counting by 2's to 20 and today we started skip counting by 5's. We sang a number of songs to help us remember the numbers and we also looked at the patterns (visual and numeric) that exist when counting by 5's. All children cut out the numbers 0, 5, 10, 15...50 and we will be working on ordering and naming these at a later date.
-We created colour posters in the afternoon. Please ask your child what colour they worked on and who their partner was.
-We have been learning a lot about the "Zones of Regulation" and trying to demonstrate behaviour in the "Green Zone" has been a target for the students (focused, ready to learn, listening, right level of energy etc.). Please have your child tell you about all of the, yellow, red and blue and what strategies they have learned to bring themselves back to the desired green zone if they feel other emotions.

-Scholastic book orders are due in by tomorrow at 3:10.
-Our BWS Parent Council will be hosting a school dance on Thursday, October 24th.
-October 31st will be "Orange and Black Day". Students are welcome to dress in these colours, but costumes are not to be worn to school.

Have a great evening!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Highlights of Our Learning:
-Today we participated in an assembly put on by the "Dare To Care" program. Please ask your child to tell you what they learned during this presentation.
-Friday Books are coming home today and your child has completed the sentence starter, "I am thankful for...". Students were encouraged to use their knowledge of letters, sounds and sight words to complete their ideas independently. Please have a look at your child's work, make a written comment and return their book to school next week.
-We have been learning about the "Zones of Regulation". So far we have talked about what learners look like if they are in the Green (desired or expected) Zone. Please have your child tell you about this. If students are in the Yellow Zone or Red Zone, how might they be feeling? What can we do to get back into the Green Zone? (Take a walk, get a drink of water, talk to someone, take deep breaths etc.)

-There is no school for students tomorrow (PD Day) or Monday (Thanksgiving).
-Scholastic Book orders are due by Thursday, October 17th.
-Please remember to have your Learning Commons book returned on TUESDAY so that you can get a new one.
-Thanks to the parents who have already sent in a small pumpkin or gourd for us to use in the classroom. We look forward to using our senses to explore these more closely as we practice our sorting, sketching, ordering and estimating skills next week.
-We are still in need of child friendly, glossy magazines that can be cut up for a project that we have planned. Do you have any that could be donated to our classroom? Thank you in advance!

Have a great long weekend!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Happy Monday!

Please ask your child to tell you all about the Fall Walk that we went on with our buddies today. What did we see, smell, feel, and hear?

-Please remember to have your Learning Commons book returned by tomorrow so that you can get a new one.
-Thanks to the parents who have already sent in a small pumpkin or gourd for us to use in the classroom. We look forward to using our senses to explore these more closely as we practice our sorting, sketching, ordering and estimating skills.
-We are still in need of child friendly, glossy magazines that can be cut up for a project that we have planned. Do you have any that could be donated to our classroom?

Have a good evening!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

We have been tasting delicious apples and creating colours!

Highlights of Our Learning
-Adding a page about what we TASTE in the fall to our fall books. Many children chose to write about their apple tasting experience yesterday. The four varieties of apples that we samples and compared yesterday were Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Macintosh and Granny Smith. Please ask your child which of these varieties they liked the best and how they completed the sentence starter "In the fall I taste...".
-Working on new math centres where we practiced One More and One Less, Counting By 2's to 20, Printing Numerals to 10, playing Race to 20 and playing Power of Ten Games. All students will visit a different centre each day to complete an activity.
-Yesterday and today we carefully mixed primary colours to create secondary colours. Please ask your child to tell you what two colours were used yesterday and what two colours were used today and what new colours we created.
-In gym the children practiced their soccer dribbling skills.
-We finished the day in music.


Grade 1 is in need of some old magazines to cut up for a project. If you have any child friendly magazines that are not needed, we would appreciate you sending them into school.

Grade 1 is also collecting a variety of small gourds and small mini pumpkins. Please send one in with your child if possible. Thanks you support.

There is no school for students on Friday, October 11th (PD Day) of Monday, October 14th (Thanksgiving).

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Welcome October!


Grade 1 is in need of some old magazines to cut up for a project. If you have any child friendly magazines that are not needed, we would appreciate you sending them into school.

Grade 1 is also collecting a variety of small gourds and small mini pumpkins. Please send one in with your child if possible. Thanks you support.

Have a great evening!

A Message From the BSFS

Dear Parents, and Guardians The Bridlewood Fundraising Society would like to take this moment to thank each, and every family for their fund...